Statement from the Board of Cumbernauld Theatre Trust

Representatives of Cumbernauld Theatre Trust met with Creative Scotland on Tuesday 11 February to discuss the decision not to award the Trust multi-year funding two weeks ago. Sadly, at that meeting, Creative Scotland indicated that they will not revisit their decision to reject our application for funding. They outlined what support is now available to us and how to access this.  We would like to be clear that, whilst this would help allow us to plan in the immediate term, this would likely not be a substitute for the level of funding which multi-year funding would have provided, and will inevitably lead to, a drastic reduction in the scale of our programme and the loss of our ability to produce theatre and support artists at Lanternhouse. 

At the meeting it was outlined to us that, due to the length and volume of our application, all of our evidence was not used in the assessment of our application in the decision making process due to their application criteria. We advised Creative Scotland that many will not understand a failure of all parties to find a way beyond what they will see as an administrative issue, rather than judgement of the success of our organisation. This will risk the future abilities of such a well-respected and successful Theatre, which has been at the heart of Scotland’s cultural ecosystem for over 60 years, and also risk the futures of the many who depend on us for their livelihoods.

We are writing to the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, and to the First Minister, to request an urgent meeting to outline our grave concerns at the situation we are now facing. We hope that a meeting can happen soon. Whilst we are currently planning for a world where our income will be greatly reduced, we hope that continued dialogue will lead to a different outcome.

It is clear to us from the outpouring of support in recent weeks from politicians across the political spectrum, from our many friends across the arts sector and, not least, from our local community (including the incredible thousands who have signed our petition) how much our organisation means to so many, and we offer our sincerest gratitude for the way in which so many of you have supported us. We will continue to need your support in future and we would urge you to continue to raise your voice, and to support the fantastic and valuable work we do. We have been at the heart of our community for over 60 years and, as we all work together going forward, then we can ensure that we will continue for many years to come.

If you would like to support Cumbernauld Theatre Trust at this time, you can do so by making a donation and by continuing to attend the many events we have on offer.


Rachel Murphy

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