Ferguson and Barton

Contemporary Dance

‘We watched a film last night. And we can’t get it out of our heads.’

A couple wakes up in a filmic dream world. There, they re-create last night’s film and, in the process, work through the subtle power dynamics of their own relationship. Through this strange exploration, the man and woman question Hollywood norms and see each other anew. Loosely inspired by Hitchcock’s Vertigo, Ferguson and Barton is about communication and miscommunication, about voyeurism, gender roles, and sensuality. Can we ever really know the person closest to us? Would we want to?

This production by Shotput has been made in association with Platform Theatre and Perth Theatre.

A pleasing, teasing commentary about the seeming reality of what’s on screen and what is actually real.

Mary Brennan, The Herald

Co-creators and performers Lucy Ireland and Jim Manganello
Creative Producer Helen McIntosh
Designer Anna Yates
Lighting Designer and Production Manager Emma Jones
Video Designer Rob Jones
Dramaturgical Consultant Lu Kemp
Technician Lynn Wiseman



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