Audrey Hepburn Season: Charade (PG)

Cinema Season

Fall in love all over again with one of the most divine stars ever to grace the silver screen during our Audrey Hepburn Season.

Among the most enduring of Hollywood’s icons, Audrey Hepburn is considered a paragon of grace, elegance, and charm. In addition to an angelic persona and an unrivalled, era-defining style, Hepburn’s performances harboured a deep intelligence and a mastery of her craft. With a staggering 40-year career, Hepburn consistently consolidated herself as an essential figure within Hollywood history.

Reggie Lambert returns home after a skiing trip to discover that her husband has died. At the funeral she finds out from CIA agent Hamilton Bartholomew that her husband was involved in the theft of a quarter of a million dollars during World War Two. The charming Peter Joshua offers his help, but as the number of dead bodies increases so do Peter’s aliases, and Reggie becomes uncertain whether or not she can trust him.



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