Common Tongue

Contemporary Drama

Some folk are happy tae listen tae themselves spik. A cannae understaun that.

Bonnie’s life has been defined by wirds; the richt wans, the wrang wans, aun the wans used against her. The now, Bonnie haes a chance to speak aboot it. But the last time she done any public speaking wis a solo talk in Primary School. This time roon she’s no really sure whit she’s gonnae say, or even how she’s gonnae say it. 

Common Tongue is a play aboot imperfect Scots. 

A fast-pace and quick witted one-person show exploring the impact of culture, identity and it’s intersections in Scotland. 

Common Tongue follows Bonnie as she navigates her relationship with the way she speaks, coming to grips with the implications of her language, and how much she can claim it or ignore it.

Presented in association with Cumbernauld Theatre. Supported by Creative Scotland.


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