Common Tongue

Thu 26 Sep - Fri 27 Sep (19:30)

Studio Theatre
Contemporary Drama

Some folk are happy tae listen tae themselves spik. A cannae understaun that.

Bonnie’s life has been defined by words; the right wans, the wrang wans, and the wans used against her. Now, Bonnie hus a chance tae talk aboot it, but the last time she did any public spikkin wis a solo talk in Primary School. This time roon she’s no really sure whit she’s gonnae say, or how she’s gonnae say it.

Common Tongue is a stravaig through how we spik, and why it gies us the boak.

Produced by JGProducing in association with Cumbernauld Theatre. Supported by Creative Scotland.


  • 26Sep

      Thu 19:30pm
      Studio Theatre

      Tickets £10.00-16.00.

    • 27Sep

        Fri 19:30pm
        Studio Theatre

        Tickets £10.00-16.00.

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